Good practices in multi-actor collaboration for joint innovation projects

Convenors: Mikelis Grivins, Evelien Cronin, Susanne von Münchhausen


The session aims to give participants and organisers the possibility to share experiences from project proposal development. These could be either lessons learnt from own writing processes or the assessment of others. The idea is to collect both good practices, that led to the granting of multi-actor projects and experiences from unsuccessful submissions. These insights will raise awareness and advance the understanding of preparing successful multi-actor project proposals. The discussion will be triggered by a short presentation of key aspects identified by the precedent EU project LIAISON (see How-to-Guide ‘Coming together’ and ‘Good planning’). This will set the scene and trigger the exchange of participants' experiences allowing everybody engaged to form a deeper understanding of how various challenges related to multi-actor collaboration can play out in practice, and how they can be addressed. This session will allow representatives of the PREMIERE project to receive feedback on the selection of core areas of concern for the work ahead.   


The session will be organised as a World Café. After an initial introductory presentation illustrating the first results of the work conducted under the Premiere project (around 10 minutes), the participants will be divided into three groups each dealing with a particular aspect of preparing a multi-actor proposal: a) proposal writing, b) consortium building, and c) administrative and technical management. For each group, a set of cards listing potential critical points regarding these aspects will be prepared. Participants will reflect on the list provided and add any issues that they might have encountered while preparing project proposals. After that, participants will group the critical points and finally – arrange them according to their relevance for success. For this task 20 minutes will be given. After this, the same groups will move to discuss the next aspects of co-creation where the process will be repeated. Finally, the last 20 minutes will be dedicated to presenting the results of the session and discussing them in plenary.

Complementarily participants will be offered the possibility to identify and register on a case-study board good practices of multi-actor proposal preparation that can feed further stages of the PREMIERE project.