Members of the international scientific committee of ESEE 2023

  • Pierre Labarthe, INRAE (France), president of the international scientific committee of the 23th ESEE
  • Simona Cristiano, CREA (Italy)
  • Artur Cristovao, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
  • Maria Gerster-Bentaya, University of Hihenheim (Germany)
  • Monica Gorman, Teagasc (Ireland)
  • Jozef Kania, University of Krakow (Poland)
  • Esmail Karamidehkordi, Tarbiat Modares University (Iran)
  • Tom Kelly, Teagasc (Ireland)
  • Laurens Klerkx, Wageningen University (Netherlands)
  • Alex Koutsouris, University of Athens (Greece)
  • Andrea Knierim, University of Hohenheim (Germany)
  • Michael Kugler, Chambers of agriculture (Germany)
  • Magnus Ljung, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden)
  • Livia Madureira, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
  • Mark Moore, Teagasc (Ireland)
  • Peter Paree, ZLTO (Netherlands)
  • Patrizia Proietti, CREA (Italy)
  • Eelke Wielinga, Link Consult (Netherlands)

Members of the local organizing commitee of ESEE 2023

  • Pierre Labarthe (INRAE)
  • Camille Berrier (INRAE)
  • Nicolas Gallai (ENSFEA)
  • Nathalie Girard (INRAE)
  • Héloïse Leloup (INRAE)
  • Rachel Levy (ENSFEA)
  • Catherine Milou (University of Toulouse)
  • Geneviève Nguyen (INPT, University of Toulouse)
  • Gaël Plumecocq (INRAE)
  • with the support of
  • Christel Moder (INRAE)
  • Mathieu Solle (INRAE)
  • Clémence Rigal (INRAE)
  • Marina Lefebvre (INRAE)
  • Anne-Marie Beyssen (Sciences Po Toulouse)
  • Sophie Regnier (Sciences Po Toulouse)