Securing the future of data driven services and digital advisory tools: consolidating the legacy of FAIRshare with behavioral innovation insights from Ploutos

Convenor: Aine Macken Walsh

The EU H2020 project which supports the wider use of digital advisory tools and services by making them Findable, Available, Interoperable, Reusable and Shareable (FAIRshare). It was a five year  Renaissance – Coordination and Support Action “Enabling the farm advisor community to prepare farmers for the digital age” The project has two main actions firstly engaging advisors and other relevant actors through an inventory digital advisory tools and services, good practices and training resources in a permanent networking facility (PNF). Secondly, it funds 42 advisory digital tool and services development initiatives, including strategic alignment of their strategy, business case and advisor support to improve advisors access to digital tools, digital skills and the motivation to use digitalised services. (5 mins)

In this session three key questions will be addressed in a participatory workshop format

  1. How to maintain and continue the PNF. How will advisors find, compare and share better digital tools and services in future? With 300 digital tools and services already described in the inventory how could these be maintained and improved.
  2. How will be the impact of the 42 user cases, what was learned by different actors, how effective were they in setting, reviewing and achieving their digitalisation goals and business objectives, were advisors adequately motivated by the process.
  3.  How effective is training in engaging advisors and building their confidence and motivating the day-to-day use of digital tools and services what was learned about advisors and farmers attitudes to digitalisation.